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Cocktail Recipes and Drink Trivia

Brief History of the Martini

The origins of the Martini are uncertain and much disputed. Most sources agree that it is a descendant of a 19th century cocktail called the Martinez, which was a sweet concoction nothing like the modern Martini. The name Martini may have been a corruption of Martinez, or may have come from the Martini & Rossi brand of Vermouth commonly used in making the drink. During the abomination of Prohibition, the Martini started to resemble today's drink. Still, a much higher proportion of Vermouth was used; this helped to disguise the flavor of rot-gut bootleg, or "bathtub" gin. Gradually, over the years, the percentage of Vermouth has shrunk to virtually zero in the pursuit of the perfect "dry" Martini. These days It is not uncommon, in a bar, to be served straight gin! We at Yummyeats think 5 or 6 to 1 is the best ratio.

  • Classic Dry Martini Recipe (5-to-1)

    From Mr. Boston Official Bartender's Guide
    - - - - -

    1 and 2/3 ounce Gin
    1/3 ounce Dry Vermouth

    Stir Vermouth and Gin over ice cubes in a mixing glass. Strain into cocktail glass. Serve with a twist of lemon peel or olive, if desired.

Dry Martini Cocktail Circa 1958
Vintage advertisement from 1958 for Holland Dry Martini Mix, use it make a Martini at home "the quick, easy way" - "Enjoy delicious Martini Cocktails at home equal to those served at World-Famous Bars". Sounds good.

Classic Martini

    YummyEats Favorite "Drinking Moments" from Classic Movies

  • Best Years of Our Lives - Nightclub hop around town - the boys get loaded, the girls don't.

  • Breakfast at Tiffany's - Swingin' party scene in a small, very crowded NYC apartment.

  • Father of the Bride - Spencer Tracy just can't give away those Martini's!

  • It's a Wonderful Life - Jimmy Stewart and an angel in a bar that serves "hard drinks for men who want to get drunk fast". The angel asks for a "flaming rum punch".

  • Blotto - Laurel and Hardy go out to a nightclub and get drunk - but are they really? Not! (the wifes have switched the booze for fake).

  • The Tender Trap - Drunken party scene with Frankie (a false memory apparently - I just saw this again last week, no party scene - it is only TALKED about after the fact! The guests are seen arriving - then it is suddenly the morning and the apartment is a wreck, with a few guests still under the tables!).

  • Wings - Clara Bow and bubbles, bubbles, bubbles.

  • The Philadelphia Story - The night before the wedding, one swinging party, and everyone gets smashed!

  • Some Like it Hot - Marilyn Monroe, an upper berth, and Manhattans.

  • Drinking Quotations from the Movies

  • "I always start around noon - in case it gets dark early." - Peggy Lee, as Rose Hopkins, in Pete Kelly's Blues

  • "I only take a drop when I have a cold. Of course, that cold has been hanging on for years." - Frank Morgan, as Uncle Sid, in Summer Holiday

  • "No tea, Mrs. Morgan. In training, he is. A glass of beer, if you please." - Barry Fitzgerald, as Cyfartha, in How Green Was My Valley

  • "Drunk? I'll have you know a Harvard man never resorts to getting a woman drunk - except in an emergency, and you, Miss Morrow, are an emergency." - Nick Adams, as Tony Walters, to Doris Day, as Jan Morrow, in Pillow Talk

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